Thursday, August 5, 2010
Today the three of us went to Bethlehem. First we went to the Shepherd's Field where the angel announced the Birth of Christ. Then on to the Milk Grotto where Joseph had an angel speak in a dream to go to Egypt and hid from Herod. After seeing the new church building at the Milk Grotto, we went to the Manger Square for the Birth Site. The Armenians were still having Mass so we went to the Catholic section and they were busy. By the time we looked around and made it back, the Armenians were finished. Then after a few minutes we were able to go into the grotto where the birthplace and manger are. There are many pictures and icons around the walls and then we went back to the Catholic section to see where St. Jerome translated the Bible from many different languages into the one language of the people, Latin. Also saw the Holy Innocent's Chapel and the graves of St. Jerome and his helpers. Then we went to the outdoor market place for the locals. It was crazy as ever. Then we went back to the apartment for awhile and went to see the places of the Visitation and Birth of St. John the Baptist. The pictures are of angels in the Upper Church of the Visitation.