Thursday, June 3, 2010
Found out that the noise last night was fireworks from a wedding celebration. Had a great day. Our conference was on Honor & Shame as related to Gospel stories and even present time and the significance of meals to the Palestinian culture. I and Priest of the Passionist Order, Fr. Jim Price went on a trip in the afternoon to re-trace our steps of yesterday. Just to make sure that we can go from the Mount of Olives to the Via Dolorosa and get out to the the Jaffa Gate. We actually were able to see more today than we did yesterday. The pictures are an overview of the Old City of Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock is in the center. This is the place where Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed and where Mohammed ascended into Heaven. It is a Moslem Shrine. The second picture is the birthplace of Mary. Once again in a cave/home.