Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Today was the first official day of school. First we had Orientation. Some of the History of Tantur was explained. We had an official tour of the building. Also a deeper explanation of the present day wall separating Israel & Palestine. In the afternoon we all took a bus/walking tour of the Old City. We had stops so we could see the Old City from a distance and then closer all the time. We eventually stopped at St. Peter's Church in Gallicantu. This site remembers the betrayal of Jesus by Peter. Also the place where Jesus was held after being captured. There are steps from the Roman Era where Jesus most probably made his way to the Last Supper, back to the Garden of Gethsemane, back to Caiaphas' House and then onto Pilate for Judgement. Had Supper and then immediately had an introduction session to the rest of the group. Many of the group have an interesting background. Today, we only had 15, 4 have not shown up or not coming. The pictures today show Peter denying Jesus and also the steps that Jesus walked.